RPAC Major Investors

 June 06, 2022

REALTOR® Advocacy 

Thank you to those who advocate for the industry

The REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) major investors are a passionate group of REALTORS® whose investments shape the future of the real estate industry.

Now more than ever, it is imperative for REALTORS® to come together and speak with one voice about the stability that a sound and dynamic real estate market brings to Wisconsin. Through the RPAC major investors, that voice is heard loud and clear. To become a major investor, contact your local association executive, government affairs director, or the WRA’s Joe Murray (jmurray@wra.org) or Sandy Bolgrihn (sandyb@wra.org).

To view a printable PDF of the list of major investors as it appears in the June 2022 issue of Wisconsin Real Estate Magazine, click the image below. This list of donors represents those who donated between January 1 and May 10, 2022.

RPAC insert thumbnail

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