Customers with Disabilities Resources
WRA fair housing news on Facebook
Stay up to date on fair housing-related information by visiting the WRA Cultural Diversity in Housing Program Facebook page: click here.
Assisting customers with disabilities
Wisconsin disability statutes
Federal resources
Funding and other home purchase resources
WRA legal resources
Accessibility features reports
The Accessibility Features Reports (AFR) are
property condition reports designed by the WRA Cultural Diversity in Housing
Committee to identify features that may be desirable to a homebuyer with
disabilities. The WRA Basic Sellers' Accessibility Features Report focuses on physical features or attributes of the
seller’s home that would tend to be of the greatest interest to a buyer with
mobility concerns. The WRA Sellers' Accessibility Features Report is in slightly larger font and includes more property features that
persons with vision and hearing disabilities may desire as well as those with
mobility challenges. These forms are also available in Transactions (zipForm Edition) and the WRA's subscription-based PDF Forms Library.