Wisconsin REALTORS® Association: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources

The WRA is dedicated to improving the diversity, equity and inclusion within our communities, our industry and our organization. One specific component of this endeavor is to help educate our members and the public about diversity, equity and inclusion. 

The concepts of diversity, equity and inclusion are intended to address and eliminate societal divisions and disparities we might find in our midst or in our communities.

WRA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy Statement

Suitable housing is one of the key elements of the American Dream. The historic lack of diversity among the ranks of elected officials, governmental bureaucrats, lending institutions, insurance companies, trade associations and REALTORS® has had a documented disparate impact on homeownership rates, housing stock quality and living conditions for underrepresented populations. Fair and just application of real estate practices among Wisconsin REALTORS® and other real estate professionals serves to promote the American Dream.

The WRA is committed to promoting DEI throughout our profession and the real estate industry.

  • Diversity describes differences in characteristics, such as religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, race, ability, national origin, socioeconomic status, political affiliation and other qualities.
  • Equity means honoring peoples' different needs, understanding their varied experiences, and providing opportunities based on unique needs and experiences. Equity refers to fairness and justice and is distinguished from equality. Whereas equality means providing the same to all; equity means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances.
  • Inclusion is about fostering peace, a sense of belonging, value and empowerment as well as engaging everyone to contribute, participate and succeed.

An intentional commitment to DEI is essential to creating a positive, welcoming and inclusive environment that benefits our diverse members, clients and communities. It is the policy of the WRA to eliminate discrimination, bias and prejudice in all forms and provide equal opportunities for all individuals to succeed in the real estate industry.

The WRA encourages fair housing education, such as Fairhaven, Implicit Bias and At Home With Diversity (AHWD), as well as the Commitment to Excellence (C2EX), that will foster a culture that is fair and inclusive, consistent and transparent.

The WRA is dedicated to promoting respect, understanding and collaboration within our organization and the communities we serve. We will work to ensure that our policies, practices and programs are inclusive and support diversity at all levels.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

The committee will look for ways to increase DEI within the WRA. Committee members will explore appropriate training that leadership, committees and others might benefit from to ground them and give them perspective to implement DEI initiatives within this organization.

Many of the committee members have changed over the years, yet there is a core group that has stayed the same that is embarking upon the journey to determine how to bring a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion to the WRA. We invite you to meet some of the committee members and learn about the origins of their interest and personal commitment to DEI, why it is important to them and why they thrive on the DEI committee.

Annie Zambito
Compass Wisconsin, Lake Geneva

"As a white woman in America, I have felt guilty for the luxuries I have been afforded over others. I may be a woman, but I am not an immigrant woman like my father’s mother; I may have seasonal affective disorder, but I wasn’t born with Down's Syndrome like my beautiful niece. I have asked myself, “What makes me so different that I deserve more than someone who doesn’t speak the native language or wasn’t born with a genetic disorder?” In college, I majored in psychology and minored in biology, curious about all the different variations of the human mind and what makes us different from one another. What makes people different is less than one would think; minute variations in genetic code do not justify the discrimination with which many have dealt. It was here I first found an affinity for the underdog; I uncovered a desire to level the playing field because, truthfully, we’re all human beings.

As a REALTOR®, it is important to first acknowledge the role our industry played in the nation’s prejudiced history. To say that it doesn’t exist still to this day would be ignorant. Recently, I’ve been discouraged, watching the news, trying to understand the general public’s opinion of a group of people or ideology. One person can only do so much, but not doing anything speaks volumes. Joining the DEI committee is one thing I do to create a positive change in the real estate industry.

There are many other ways in which one could widen his, her or their perspective as a real estate agent today. In addition to joining the DEI committee, other options include completing Fairhaven, watching the bias override video, taking the at home with diversity certification course, or the LEAD course, just to name a few.

Pain is growth, and like it or not, there have been some deep wounds made recently — for example, Long Island Divided — that must heal. Please join the WRA’s DEI committee's pledge to create a new base of diverse, equitable inclusive REALTORS®."

Cara Hilzley
First Weber, West Bend

"Diversity, equity and inclusion hold significant value to me. While some might argue that these issues have faded, the truth is they persist. I remember being asked when I was in college if I had any “white” friends. Or having someone walk up to me at a grocery store and say, “it is so great that you adopt,” while my biological son, who was old enough to comprehend the situation, was standing next to me. It is experiences like this that have encouraged me to educate myself further and explore ways in which I can actively contribute to positive change and help educate people."

David Farmbrough
Coldwell Banker Siewert REALTORS®, Wausau

"With over two decades of experience as a real estate lawyer in the UK, I am committed to providing fair and equal housing opportunities to all, regardless of background or personal characteristics. My diverse background, areas of education and interest, and experience as an immigrant give me a unique perspective on the importance of inclusivity in the real estate industry."


Cultural Diversity Committee Moves Onward to DEI,” in the March 2023 Wisconsin Real Estate Magazine.

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