
WRA Membership

Empower your journey by joining the most trusted organization in Wisconsin real estate. Access to thousands of like-minded professionals as well as member-exclusive resources is just a click away. 

A WRA membership pays for itself

From a legal hotline to forms software and access to thousands of like-minded professionals, a WRA REALTOR® membership is vital to your real estate success. With a host of benefits at a fraction of the cost if purchased individually, WRA membership is a savvy investment for your business!

Benefit  WRA membership  Purchased separately 
Legal Hotline (per call)*  Included   $300
Line by Line Forms Training  Included  $400 
WRA Forms Suite in zipForm  Included  $130 
Transactions (zipForm Edition)  Included  $269 
zipForm Mobile and Authentisign  Included  $141.95 
Wisconsin Real Estate Magazine  Included  $60 
Legal Update Publication  Included  $75 
Inman Select Subscription   Included  $250 
Legal Hottips Library  Included Not sold separately
WRA Forms Library  Included  Not sold separately
Professional Standards Enforcement Included
Not sold separately
Market Data  Included
Not sold separately
Legal Advocacy  Included
Not sold separately
Legislative Advocacy  Included
Not sold separately
Political Advocacy Included
Not sold separately
Professional Development  Included
Not sold separately
Partnership for Success Program  Included
Not sold separately
Statewide Referral Database  Included
Not sold separately
Networking and Events Included
Not sold separately
Wisconsin REALTORS® Foundation Included
Not sold separately
E&O Coverage Discount Included
Not sold separately
Paperless Agent Discount Included
Not sold separately
Realtyzam Product Discount Included
Not sold separately

* Based on the average hourly rate of a real estate attorney.

Learn more about WRA membership

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