Wisconsin REALTORS® Association: REALTOR® Legislative Success Update 2015

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2015 WRA Legislative Update

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Broker Price Opinions Preserved
What if your opinions didn’t matter? Learn how REALTORS® preserved the choice for consumers to hire an appraiser or real estate licensee for an opinion of value.
Length: 1:04
Fraudulent Misrepresentation Thhumbnail
REALTORS® liable for fraudulent misrepresentations
REALTORS® drafted and passed legislation to respond to a court case that held them liable for fraudulent misrepresentations made by a third party in a transaction.
Length: 1:14
RPAC HTC Tax Credit Thumbnail
Historic Preservation Tax Credit a Priority
REALTORS® led the effort to maintain the 20 percent historic tax credit for historic rehabilitation projects in Wisconsin.
Length: 2:30
Right to draft video image thumbnail
Your Right to Complete State Approved Forms
The WRA is pursuing legislation to statutorily protect your rights confirmed by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to complete real estate forms.
Length: 2:19
RPAC Two Year Limit Video Thumbnail
Two-Year Limit on REALTOR® Liability
The WRA is seeking legislation for a two-year statute of limitation on claims filed against real estate licensees.
Length: 2:03
RPAC Property Tax Video Thumbnail
New State Budget Reduces Property Taxes
The new budget reduces property taxes by $131 for the average homeowner over the next two years. Grassroots efforts helped lower property taxes for all Wisconsin homeowners.
Length: 1:55
RPAC Tme of Sale Thumbnail
Time of Sale Requirements are Gone!
TOS requirements were a big problem for buyers and sellers. Learn how the new prohibition on TOS requirements is a big victory for REALTORS®.
Length: 2:13
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