A Message from WRA President Mike Theo

Time to Vote

 Mike Theo  |    October 04, 2012

When all the ads are done, all the speeches have stopped and all the polling has ceased, elections always end with you standing in the voting booth and making a decision. Or at least that’s how elections should end. If you choose not to participate in the electoral process, for whatever reason, you have forfeited not only your future to others, but also your right to complain about the outcome or the subsequent decisions made by the winners. 

But based on what we know and what you tell us in surveys, REALTORS® vote in large numbers and that’s good, particularly these days, and particularly this November.

In November, the choices for Wisconsin and the country couldn’t be clearer. The two main political parties have worked very hard to emphasize their dissimilar approaches to governing and to the issues of our day. And with the emphasis of this election on jobs and the economy, the issues couldn’t be more relevant to the real estate industry.

One of the main reasons the WRA exists is to actively, and successfully, engage in the public policy debates on issues related to jobs and the economy; issues that directly and indirectly impact homeowners, property owners and our members. The process of doing this starts with elections because that’s where public policy decision-makers are chosen. 

There are some who would argue that politics and campaigns are too messy, too complex, too risky, too confrontational and too ugly, and therefore the WRA should not get involved. They argue we should just let others decide elections and then lobby those who win. Well, that’s simply a surefire recipe for losing important legislative issues. 

Successful organizations — be they REALTOR® organizations at the federal, state and local levels; or teachers, or builders, or bankers, or government employees, or environmentalists or farmers, you name it — choose candidates to support because that is where successful lobbying begins. Effective lobbying requires effective political involvement because politics and policy are two sides of the same coin.

The WRA’s legislative success is closely tied to our political success. But it’s important to note that candidates earn their REALTOR® support based on issues. New candidates without voting records are interviewed or asked to fill out questionnaires so we get an idea on where they stand on our issues. Incumbents running for re-election or another office have voting records and actions from which we can judge their support for our issues. Because issues drive our support, we have a long history of supporting candidates of both parties and have enjoyed bipartisan support on our issues after the elections.

Our lobbying is also enhanced by the issues we discuss with the public. The Wisconsin Homeowners Alliance communicates with the general public through grassroots efforts, including broadcast advertisements, direct mail and the like, directly and through other organizations, to raise awareness of public policy issues affecting Wisconsin property owners.

So are these issues worth all our political and lobbying efforts? You bet. Do you know why the state doesn’t require a lawyer at every real estate closing? Because our political and lobbying efforts helped to defeat that requirement. Do you know why you are not legally liable for intentional misrepresentations made by any third party in a transaction — even after a court said you are? Because our political and lobbying efforts rewrote the law. Do you know why we have meaningful fair housing laws, balanced land use planning, workable eminent domain laws, appraiser and home inspection regulations, rent control prohibitions, agency and buyer-agency laws, historic preservation laws and the number two-ranked graduate university real estate program in the nation? It’s all because we supported candidates that supported us on these issues.

The WRA voter guide, which you will receive closer to Election Day, presents those candidates on the November ballot that we believe deserve your support, based on real estate-related issues. When you are in that voting booth, you may decide to vote for candidates based on other issues, and that’s your choice. Our voter guide is based on REALTOR® issues for your consideration when making your final decision. 

Regardless of the basis on which you cast your vote, the important thing is to decide and act. It’s time to vote.

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